Fayetteville Town Folk Portfolio
The Fayetteville Townfolk Portfolio is the first photographic essay by Andrew Kilgore. It consists of sixty black and white portraits of citizens of Fayetteville. Each photograph is accompanied by a caption edited frominterviews conducted by Kilgore's wife, Meg. Each sitter was interviewed for an hour and asked what he or she liked or disliked about Fayetteville, why they stayed in Fayetteville, and if there was anything that they wished to say to posterity. Kilgore's first goal with this project was to communicate to people the importance of black and white archival photography for preserving history. The second was to celebrate the individual in the community. The exhibit traveled to more than twelve locations throughout the state before being donated to the University of Arkansas. Photographs from this portfolio won second prize at the Arkansas Art juried show and Grand Prize at Little Rock's Riverfest Arts Fair. Six of the photographs were selected to tour in the Mid-America Arts Alliance show "Twelve Photographers." The project was funded by grants from the Arkansas Endowment for the Humanities, the First National Bank of Fayetteville, and the Arkansas Arts Council.